
Research and application of the
latest scientific technologies

Plant Density Experiments

Experiment Target
Plant density in cotton (5 – 7 – 10 plants/linear meter) This experiment was designed to compare different rates of planting in cotton (Barack) to identify optimum density in terms of productivity for rainfed conditions and the zero-tillage system.
Plant density in sorghum (10 – 14 – 20 plants/linear meter) This experiment compared different rates of planting in sorghum (Wad Ahmed) to identify optimum density in terms of productivity for rainfed conditions and the zero-tillage system.
Plant density in maize (5 – 7 – 10 plants/linear meter) This experiment compared different rates of planting in maize (Banama) to identify optimum density in terms of productivity for rainfed conditions and the zero-tillage system.
Plant density in sunflowers (5 – 7 – 10 plants/linear meter) This experiment compared different rates of planting in sunflowers (Hysun 33) to identify optimum density in terms of productivity for rainfed conditions and the zero-tillage system.
Effects of row spacing on the growth and productivity of maize This study compared different sorghum planting densities to determine the optimal density in terms of productivity under the rainfed, zero-tillage agricultural conditions.
Comparison of two varieties of sesame crop in three plant density conditions The experiment studied the effect of plant variety and density on two sesame varieties, namely Promo and Giza32.
Effect of chemical fertilization and plant density on Giza 32 sesame variety The experiment studied the effects of plant variety, plant density and fertilization on the Giza32 variety of sesame crop.
Effect of plant variety and density on sunflower crop yields The experiment was conducted to study the effects of plant variety and spacing on the productivity of two varieties of sunflowers, namely Panar 7392 and Hysun 33.