Established in 1997 to produce certified seeds and some hybrid seeds for a range of strategic crops and vegetables. The company owns six production plants with a total area of 12,146 feddans in the most important states of Sudan.
Republic of Sudan
Approximately 14,500 tons of certified and hybrid seeds
Authorized and fully paid-up capital is US$12 million; its shareholders are:
Government of the Republic of Sudan
Other institutions and banks
Approximately 60-70% of the total output of certified seeds produced in Sudan
Certified seeds for maize, wheat, sunflower, sesame, peanut, millet and some vegetables
Searching for shareholders to increase the capital of the company and introduce modern technologies
Enter into a strategic partnership with a global seed company to benefit from its expertise in producing hybrid seeds for the targeted crop varieties, expanding its activities and exporting its products to the markets of neighboring countries