
Social Responsibility Towards our
Communities is at the Heart of our
Investment and Development Plans

Revolving Loan Fund and Trust Fund for the
Development of Infrastructure and Basic
Services in Arab Communities

AAAID Social Responsibility

At AAAID, our social responsibility aims to support development plans in the local communities in which we work, raise agricultural productivity levels, increase farmers’ income levels, encourage small scale farmers to improve agricultural practices, provide financing for low-income segments of society, and provide job opportunities for youth. AAAID also urges its employees to engage in the community and volunteer to support social causes that would have a positive impact on the surrounding environment. AAAID is highly committed to its social responsibility policy and strongly believes that participation in relevant community initiatives enhances cohesion among its employees and builds strong relationships with the local community.

AAAID Initiatives

Revolving Loan Program and Trust Fund

The AAAID has established a Revolving Loan Program and a Trust Fund to support the income-generating activities of small-scale farmers and producers through the provision of small loans. In addition to promoting the development of small and medium sized farming activities, these financial support structures also facilitate the delivery of certain services to target communities. AAAID is currently, in coordination with IFAD, preparing a study to establish a revolving loan fund to finance small and medium farmers and producers in Arab countries.

Providing Job Opportunities in Affiliate Companies and Agricultural Projects

The AAAID has provided more than 115,000 direct and indirect job opportunities in the communities in which it operates through the establishment of new companies and the expansion of existing ones. Approximately 18,000 of these jobs were direct employment in various agricultural, administrative and financial specialties, with a further 97,000 indirect employment opportunities.

Developing Infrastructure and Basic Services in Communities

The AAAID and its affiliate companies provide support for infrastructure and basic services in their communities. The Osool Poultry Company and Al Bashair Meat Company in Oman built roads and provided electricity connections, while the Kenana Sugar Company in Sudan was awarded the National Corporate Social Responsibility Award in 2016 for its health and education support. Many more of our companies also financially support basic services.

Research results, Innovation & Technology Transfer

The research and innovation programmes and transfer of innovative agricultural technologies implemented by the AAAID, whether in its existing companies or through cooperation with similar institutions in a number of Arab countries, have contributed to addressing the problems of low productivity for small holder farmers, which had a significant impact on improving their productivity and raising their economic and livelihoods.

Providing High-quality Cost-effective Products

The AAAID aims to provide nutritious and affordable food products in all agriculture sectors by improving production quality or providing new commodities that can address certain health issues. For instance, Al-Rawabi, an AAAID-affiliate company based in the UAE, launched nutritiously-enhanced products such as Omega 3 infused milk as well as ‘Super Milk’, containing vitamins D and E, to help address vitamin deficiency issues in the region.

Supporting Special Groups in Society

We evaluate the success of our investments in terms of the prosperity of the communities in which we operate. The AAAID enhances the skills and capacities of small-scale farmers, young graduates and women, launches community initiatives to support low-income families, organizes blood drives, provides care for orphans, and support to special groups in need. Moreover, the AAAID ensures the well-being of its employees through the ‘Takaful’ Fund.