
21 Arab Countries
Contribute to the Capital
of the AAAID

The total value of AAAID’s investments
in its affiliate companies amounts to
approximately USD 666.3 million

Learn More About AAAID Member States

There are 21 Arab countries that contribute to the AAAID: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, State of Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Republic of Iraq, Republic of the Sudan, State of Qatar, People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Arab Republic of Egypt, Kingdom of Morocco, Kingdom of Bahrain, Sultanate of Oman, Republic of Tunisia, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Lebanese Republic, Federal Republic of Somalia, Syrian Arab Republic, State of Palestine, Republic of Yemen, Union of the Comoros, and the Republic of Djibouti.

AAAID Investments in Arab Countries

Sectorial Distribution in 2023

The AAAID’s investments in both existing companies and Projects under establishment and implementation fell under four main sectors, namely agricultural processing, including sugar, oils and other food items at 49.90%; livestock production, including poultry, red meat, dairy and fish at 23.92%; plant production, including grains, fodder, vegetables and fruits at 22.74%; and the services sector, including the provision of various agriculture services at 3.44%.

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includes the production of sugar, oils and other commodities

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includes poultry, red meat, dairy products and fish

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includes grains, fodder, vegetables and fruits

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includes the provision of various agriculture services

Geographical Distribution of AAAID Contributions
to the Capital of its Affiliate Companies

AAAID's affiliate companies are distributed in 12 Arab member states, according to the investment opportunities and comparative advantages that were available in those countries. The AAAID's investment in Sudan is 63.72% of the total value of investments the AAAID in its existing companies and those under establishment and implementation, followed by Egypt at 7.24%, and Sultanate of Oman at 5.87%, the UAE at 5.23%, Iraq at 4.00%, KSA at 3.01% with the remaining member states accounting for 10.96%, depending on the availability of investment opportunities in each.

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AAAID's Investments in Companies and Financial Markets

The total capital investment of the AAAID in both its existing and under implementation and establishment companies was approximately USD 666.3 million as at 31 December 2023. These investments represent about 92.5% of the AAAID’s total paid-up capital, which amounts to approximately KWD 221.1 million. The AAAID’s total investments in the regional and global financial markets was USD 584.7 million in 2023, compared to USD 537.3 million in 2022.

AAAID investment in affiliate companies in 2023

Approximately USD 666.3 million

Share of Contributions of AAAID Member States as at the End of 2023

21 Arab countries contribute to the capital of the AAAID, of which authorized capital was
USD 1.1 billon and paid-up capital approximately KWD 221.1 million at the end of 2023.