

Feasibility studies are the most important initial steps in establishing projects after evaluation of technically, financially and economically feasible agricultural investment opportunities. AAAID prepares and assesses preliminary and final feasibility studies, evaluates, restructures, rehabilitates and expands its established companies. AAAID also assesses studies prepared by its consultants or studies received from its promoters in member states. Further, the Authority coordinates and cooperates with the relevant departments in AAAID’s investee companies to study the problems and technical challenges facing its established companies.

Projects Process Mechanism:

  1. Exploring and identifying promising investment opportunities received from investors/promoters in the form of preliminary studies  or investment ideas. 
  2. Corresponding with investors to introduce AAAID’s investment mechanism, the approved feasibility study preparation and acceptance criteria.
  3. Evaluation of preliminary feasibility studies received from investors/promoters or prepared by consultancy firms.
  4. Preparation of Terms of Reference for feasibility studies and preliminary studies and preparation of preliminary studies and integrated feasibility studies for projects.
  5. Preparation of Requests for Proposals (RFP’s) for consultancy firms for the preparation of feasibility studies and evaluation of the proposals presented by consultancy firms.
  6. Presentation of project studies and memorandums to the Advisory Committee that includes AAAID’s Heads of Departments then to the Board of Directors.
  7. Participation in the technical teams and committees and the management of AAAID companies as well as workshops, exhibitions and conferences relevant to the department’s work.

Project Study & Establishment Cycle:


New AAAID Orientation in Selecting Projects:

To enable AAAID to achieve its goals in reinforcing food production and food security through the development of the agricultural sector in the Arab world the AAAID project selection methodology is based on the following:

  • Large agricultural production projects that have direct impact on the reinforcement of food security.
  • Projects that have advantages in achieving integration of production and processing of agricultural products either within one country or between member states.
  • Projects based on the application of integrated and appropriate technical packages in all agricultural/processing operations.
  • Projects based on the application of comparative advantage conception in the achievement of agriculture between member states.
  • Pilot Projects in applying new styles in agricultural production.

New Mechanisms for Activation of Agricultural Investment Activity:

Based on the lessons learnt from the long experience of AAAID in agricultural investment a number of new mechanisms and concepts to strengthen investment activity and ensure success and sustainability of investment have been adopted. These are:

  • Focus on applied compatibility between the notion of the project and method of its implementation to achieve feasibility and sustainability of investment.
  • Focus on applied research programs before implementation of projects for the purpose of selecting appropriate agricultural methods and techniques.
  • Focus on contents and methodologies of reference standards for projects’ feasibility studies.
  • Ensure integration between modernity, compatibility and sustainability of investment activity.
  • Focus on marketing programs.
  • Taking into consideration of various views at all stages of project cycle (notion, study, evaluation, implementation and follow up).
  • Direct and effective involvement of AAAID at all stages of project cycle.
  • Minimization of project cycle to avoid variable circumstances.
  • Reinforcement of close follow up programs for the purpose of detection and remedy of problems early on.
  • Employment of competent expertise (from within project state or outside) in the management and implementation of high tech projects.
  • Emphasis on employment of Arab expertise, which combines academic qualification and field experience at all, stages of study and implementation of projects.

AAAID’s Agricultural Project Handling Process:



AAAID Consultancy Services Center

In view of the vast AAAID accumulated expertise and investment activities in local environment and Arab member states in the field of preparing and assessment of feasibility studies during the past 35 years; and in view of the availability of vast information about investment climate and a well-qualified cadre that can prepare high quality feasibility studies, the center was established by a decision from the AAAID Board of Directors issued on 29/12/2005. The center works under the umbrella of AAAID to do the following:

  • Provision of consultancy services in the agricultural sector (plants and animals), agricultural processing, support services and services related and complementary to agriculture.
  • Promulgation of AAAID expertise in agricultural investment to a wider base in Arab states.

1. Competencies of the Center:

Based on the expertise accumulated to the AAAID in applied development of agricultural projects in the Arab World, through collaboration with international consultancy houses in preparation, assessment and execution of feasibility studies in addition to field experience in agricultural projects, the center carries out the following:

  • Preparation of studies for assessment, restructuring, qualification and expansion of companies with the aim of acquiring funding (contributions or loans).
  • Preparation and valuation of preliminary studies and pre-feasibility studies.
  • Preparation and valuation of technical and financial feasibility studies.
  • Preparation and valuation of market studies.
  • Company valuation.
  • Due diligences.
  • Company management.

2. Center of Excellence:

  • The center can rely on all resources available to AAAID to conduct studies, promote and execute projects based on information of the database and other support services.
  • Staff of the center are very distinguished experts in various fields, including agricultural production, animal production, processing, engineering, financial analysis and funding.
  • The center has a list of experts in different fields with long work experiences.
  • The center has a list of Arab and international expertise houses with which the center collaborates in the preparation of feasibility studies and oversight of projects.
  • The center has an accumulated expertise in consultative work resulting from the long experiences of AAAID since its establishment.

3. Provision of Services:

The center provides its services, on commercial basis, to AAAID, its companies, financial institutions, private sector and investors, at high standards and international consultative specifications.

4. To contact the center:

AAAID Consultative Services Center
Tel: 00249-187-096100
Fax: +249-183772600 / +249-183794350
POB: 2102, Khartoum, Sudan
Email: info@aaaid.org
Website: www.aaaid.org